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Tumbled - Raw Clear Quartz Points
CAD $1.50

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25 Left in Stock
- Description
- Size: Varies from crystal to crystal: 1cm width -2cm length - 2-5 g
- Description: clear, transparent, milky, striated
- Hardness: 7
- Chakra: All
- Zodiac: All
- Clear quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. Protecting against radiation, generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. This crystal works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. At a spiritual level, it raises energy to the highest possible level. Clear quartz stores information, and is a spiritual library waiting to be accessed. Quartz has the ability to dissolve karmic seeds. Enhances psychic abilities, and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Used in meditation, quartz filters out distractions and negative thoughts. Aids in concentration and unlocks memory. It is a master healer and can be used for any condition.
- Physical Healing: stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Excellent for soothing burns, and harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.
- Key words: master healer, powerful, amplifier, unblocks energy, protection, high vibration, soul cleanser, enhancing, clearing, attunement, negative thoughts, pain, memory, concentration, psychic ability, endless possibilities, harmony, affirmation, emotional balance, reduce stress and tension, acceptance, friendship, angel connection, spiritual awakening, guidance, divine love, dissolve karma, vitality, spiritual purpose, cleansing, radiation, raises energy, information, stimulates immune system, soothes burns, harmonize all chakras, dental pain, post surgery healing, vertigo, sleep, thyroid health, heartburn, pain…
- Water safe.
- Every crystal you purchase will be infused with Reiki, and loving energy. We care a lot about our crystals and wish you to have the best healing experience with each.
- DISCLAIMER: Crystals are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illnesses/disease and they are not to replace the advice of a qualified doctor or health care provider. Crystals provide high vibrational energy to aid in our healing journey.