Raw Crystals

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  • RAW - Black Tourmaline

    RAW - Black Tourmaline

    CAD $3.75
    Key words: Anxiety, fear, reduce stress/tension, electromagnetic smog/pollution, protection, grounding, reduce negative energy, spiritual protection, aura balance, addictions, arthritis, pain, dyslexia, heart health, radiation, chemotherapy, bronchitis/pneumonia, vitality... 
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    RAW - Black Tourmaline
    Key words: Anxiety, fear, reduce stress/tension, electromagnetic smog/pollution, protection, grounding, reduce negative energy, spiritual protection, aura balance, addictions, arthritis, pain, dyslexia, heart health, radiation, chemotherapy, bronchitis/pneumonia, vitality... 

    RAW - Black Tourmaline

    CAD $3.75
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  • Raw - Sodalite

    Raw - Sodalite

    CAD $3.99
    Key words: logic, intuition, perception, information, stimulates pineal gland, third eye, meditation, understanding, truth, idealism, true self, blocks computer emanations, sensitive, electromagnetic smog, group work, stimulates mind, confusion, calming, emotional balance, panic attacks, fear, self- esteem, acceptance, judgement, self trust, metabolism, boost immune system, combats radiation damage, insomnia, throat health, digestive health, cools fever, lowers blood pressure, stimulates fluid absorption, balance thyroid, liver health, blood health, chemotherapy...
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    20 Left in Stock
    Raw - Sodalite
    Key words: logic, intuition, perception, information, stimulates pineal gland, third eye, meditation, understanding, truth, idealism, true self, blocks computer emanations, sensitive, electromagnetic smog, group work, stimulates mind, confusion, calming, emotional balance, panic attacks, fear, self- esteem, acceptance, judgement, self trust, metabolism, boost immune system, combats radiation damage, insomnia, throat health, digestive health, cools fever, lowers blood pressure, stimulates fluid absorption, balance thyroid, liver health, blood health, chemotherapy...

    Raw - Sodalite

    CAD $3.99
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  • Raw Citrine (Heat Treated)

    Raw Citrine (Heat Treated)

    CAD $3.99
    Key words: cleanser, regenerator, power of the sun, warming, creative, transmutes, grounding, keeps away negative energies, protection, cleanses all chakras, intuition, activates crown, abundance, happy, generosity, motivation, self esteem, individuality, self expression, confidence, attract wealth, concentration, overcome depression, go with the flow, strength, stops anger, balance emotions, positivity, fears, honesty, hope, inspiration, vitality, manifestation, positive attitude, students, learning, information, stimulates digestion/spleen/pancreas, infections, balance thyroid, balance hormones, fatigue, stress, tension, eye health, nerve, constipation, menstrual health, activate thymus, hot flashes...
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    50 Left in Stock
    Raw Citrine (Heat Treated)
    Key words: cleanser, regenerator, power of the sun, warming, creative, transmutes, grounding, keeps away negative energies, protection, cleanses all chakras, intuition, activates crown, abundance, happy, generosity, motivation, self esteem, individuality, self expression, confidence, attract wealth, concentration, overcome depression, go with the flow, strength, stops anger, balance emotions, positivity, fears, honesty, hope, inspiration, vitality, manifestation, positive attitude, students, learning, information, stimulates digestion/spleen/pancreas, infections, balance thyroid, balance hormones, fatigue, stress, tension, eye health, nerve, constipation, menstrual health, activate thymus, hot flashes...

    Raw Citrine (Heat Treated)

    CAD $3.99
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  • Rough - Clear Quartz Chunks

    Rough - Clear Quartz Chunks

    CAD $3.99
    Key words: master healer, powerful, amplifier, unblocks energy, protection, high vibration, soul cleanser, enhancing, clearing, attunement, negative thoughts, pain, memory, concentration, psychic ability, endless possibilities, harmony, affirmation, emotional balance, reduce stress and tension, acceptance, friendship, angel connection, spiritual awakening, guidance, divine love, dissolve karma, vitality, spiritual purpose, cleansing, radiation, raises energy, information, stimulates immune system, soothes burns, harmonize all chakras, dental pain, post surgery healing, vertigo, sleep, thyroid health, heartburn, pain… 
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    10 Left in Stock
    Rough - Clear Quartz Chunks
    Key words: master healer, powerful, amplifier, unblocks energy, protection, high vibration, soul cleanser, enhancing, clearing, attunement, negative thoughts, pain, memory, concentration, psychic ability, endless possibilities, harmony, affirmation, emotional balance, reduce stress and tension, acceptance, friendship, angel connection, spiritual awakening, guidance, divine love, dissolve karma, vitality, spiritual purpose, cleansing, radiation, raises energy, information, stimulates immune system, soothes burns, harmonize all chakras, dental pain, post surgery healing, vertigo, sleep, thyroid health, heartburn, pain… 

    Rough - Clear Quartz Chunks

    CAD $3.99
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  • Rough - Amethyst

    Rough - Amethyst

    CAD $4.50
    Key words: Protection, relaxation, resolution, intuition, cord-cutting, luck, personal power, psychic abilities, clairvoyance, creativity, grounding, ill-wishes, nightmares, stress, sleep, fear, release, aura protection, negativity, trauma, spiritual growth, creativity, solution, meditation, third eye, transformation, shadow work, exhaustion, fear, guilt, shame, journeying, shaman, ritual, pain, insomnia, headache, pain, triple-burner, purifies blood, kidney health, infections, circulation… 
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    10 Left in Stock
    Rough - Amethyst
    Key words: Protection, relaxation, resolution, intuition, cord-cutting, luck, personal power, psychic abilities, clairvoyance, creativity, grounding, ill-wishes, nightmares, stress, sleep, fear, release, aura protection, negativity, trauma, spiritual growth, creativity, solution, meditation, third eye, transformation, shadow work, exhaustion, fear, guilt, shame, journeying, shaman, ritual, pain, insomnia, headache, pain, triple-burner, purifies blood, kidney health, infections, circulation… 

    Rough - Amethyst

    CAD $4.50
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  • Raw -Rose Quartz

    Raw -Rose Quartz

    CAD $4.99
    Key words: unconditional love, peace, tranquility, calming, opens heart chakra, gentle, love, attraction, purifies, self love, trauma, trust, harmony, draws off negativity, empathy, sensitivity, acceptance, change, release emotions, soothes pain, comforting, grief, guilt, forgiveness, connection, relationship, circulation, respiratory health, adrenal health, kidney health, vertigo, fertility, fatigue, menstrual cramps, neck health, PTSD, skin health, Alzheimer's, bruising, burns, dementia, headache and migraine relief...  
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    15 Left in Stock
    Raw -Rose Quartz
    Key words: unconditional love, peace, tranquility, calming, opens heart chakra, gentle, love, attraction, purifies, self love, trauma, trust, harmony, draws off negativity, empathy, sensitivity, acceptance, change, release emotions, soothes pain, comforting, grief, guilt, forgiveness, connection, relationship, circulation, respiratory health, adrenal health, kidney health, vertigo, fertility, fatigue, menstrual cramps, neck health, PTSD, skin health, Alzheimer's, bruising, burns, dementia, headache and migraine relief...  

    Raw -Rose Quartz

    CAD $4.99
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  •  Raw Mookaite

    Raw Mookaite

    CAD $4.99
    Key words: Nurturing, grounding, shielding, stress, change, kindness, hope, joy, strength, animal communication, comforting, procrastination, travel protection, immune health…
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    20 Left in Stock
     Raw Mookaite
    Key words: Nurturing, grounding, shielding, stress, change, kindness, hope, joy, strength, animal communication, comforting, procrastination, travel protection, immune health…

    Raw Mookaite

    CAD $4.99
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  • Raw - Lepidolite

    Raw - Lepidolite

    CAD $4.99
    Key words: anxiety, stress, sleep, relaxation, clears electromagnetic pollution, opens throat/heart/third eye and crown chakras, Akashic record, depression, obsessive thoughts, insomnia, mood swings, change, calming, emotional stress, deep emotional healing, allergies, sciatica, neuralgia, joint health, detoxify, strengthens immune system, menopause, exhaustion… 
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    10 Left in Stock
    Raw - Lepidolite
    Key words: anxiety, stress, sleep, relaxation, clears electromagnetic pollution, opens throat/heart/third eye and crown chakras, Akashic record, depression, obsessive thoughts, insomnia, mood swings, change, calming, emotional stress, deep emotional healing, allergies, sciatica, neuralgia, joint health, detoxify, strengthens immune system, menopause, exhaustion… 

    Raw - Lepidolite

    CAD $4.99
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  • Desert Rose

    Desert Rose

    CAD $5.25
    Key words: strengthen affirmation, intuition, perception, mental stability, clarity, calms worries, relive stress, will power, grounding, balance, dispels confusion, harmony, encourage friendships, protection, self confidence, self worth, meditation, quiets the mind, skin health, fatigue, addictions, muscular flexibility, regeneration of tissues... 
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    8 Left in Stock
    Desert Rose
    Key words: strengthen affirmation, intuition, perception, mental stability, clarity, calms worries, relive stress, will power, grounding, balance, dispels confusion, harmony, encourage friendships, protection, self confidence, self worth, meditation, quiets the mind, skin health, fatigue, addictions, muscular flexibility, regeneration of tissues... 

    Desert Rose

    CAD $5.25
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  • Rough Tektite

    Rough Tektite

    CAD $9.99
    Keywords: keeps you grounded while also connecting you to the Stars! Highly associated with transformation, raises vibration, brings insight, enhances healing + recovery, strengthens auric field, clears energetic blockages, boosts energy, astral travel and psychic abilities
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    Rough Tektite
    Keywords: keeps you grounded while also connecting you to the Stars! Highly associated with transformation, raises vibration, brings insight, enhances healing + recovery, strengthens auric field, clears energetic blockages, boosts energy, astral travel and psychic abilities

    Rough Tektite

    CAD $9.99
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